Bonfire is a implementation of RISC-V (RV32IM subset) optimized for FPGAs.
It is based on the LXP32 CPU
The datapath/pipeline is basically still from LXP32. The main difference is in the instruction decoder which was completly rewritten to implement the RV32IM instruction set. See []
Instruction cycle times
Instruction Class | Examples | Latency |
arithmetic/logical | ADD, ADDI | 1 |
Load immediate | LUI, AUIPC | 1 |
Compare and Set | SLT, SLTI | 2 |
Shift | SLL, SLLI | 2 |
Branches | BEQ, BNE | 5 |
Jump & Link | JAL, JALR | 4 |
Load | LB, LW, LH | 3 |
Store | SW, SH, SB | 2 |
CSR Access | CSRRW, CSRRC | 2 |
Trap/Return | ECALL, ERET | 5 |
Multiplication | MUL, MULH | 4 |
Div/Mod | DIV, DIVU | 37 |
Privilege mode implementation
The implementation also supports a subset of the RISC-V privilege specification. The processor works only in M-mode. It is not fully compliant yet, because not all mandatory CSR registers are implemented.
Supported CSR registers
Register Name | Address | Description |
MSTATUS | 0x300 | PIE, IE, MPP (fixed to “11”) |
MISA | 0x301 | 0x40001100 for RV32IM, Bit 12 cleared when M ext. disabled |
MIE | 0x304 | Interrupt Enable |
MTVEC | 0x305 | Trap Vector |
MVENDORID | 0x311 | Fixed zero (R/O) |
MARCHID | 0x312 | Fixed zero (R/O) |
MIMPID | 0x313 | Core Revision, e.g. 0x10014 for 1.20 |
MHARTID | 0x314 | Fixed zero (R/O) |
MSCRATCH | 0x340 | Scratch Register |
MEPC | 0x341 | Exception PC |
MCAUSE | 0x342 | Trap/Interrupt MCAUSE |
MIP | 0x344 | Interrupt Pending |
MCYCLE | 0xb00 | Lower 32 Bit mcycle counter |
MCYCLEH | 0xb80 | Upper 32 Bit mcycle counter |
BONFIRE_CSR | 0x7c0 | Special bonfire CSR (currently ontains only single step bit) |
For a detailed description of the registers see RISC-V privilege spec.
Processor version CSR
The MIMPID CSR is filled with the Version of the Bonfire Core. The upper 16 Bits contain the Major Version, the lower 16 Bits the minor Version as unsigned 16 Bit binary numbers E.g. processor version 1.20 is encoded as 0x0001 0x0014
Trap Type | MCAUSE | Description |
Misaligned Fetch | 0x0 | Jump/trap to a misaligned Address |
Illegal instruction | 0x2 | Invalid instruction encountered |
Breakpoint | 0x3 | EBREAK Instruction or single step Trap |
Misaligned load | 0x4 | misaligned LW, LWU, LH or LHU instruction |
Misaligned store | 0x6 | misaligned SW or SH instruction |
Environment Call | 0xb | ECALL instruction |
Interrupt Support
The core supports the following interrupts:
Interrupt Source | MIP/MIE Bit | MCAUSE | Description |
Software int. | MSIE/P(3) | 0x80000003 | Software Interrupt |
Machine Timer | MTIE/P(3) | 0x80000007 | Timer compare interrupts |
External Int. | MEIE/P(11) | 0x8000000b | External Interrupt |
Local Interupt | MLIE/P (31..16) | 0x80000010-0x80000001f | Local Interrupt |
In the current version of bonfire the Software interrupt cannot be used because the software interrupt I/O register is not implemented
The external interrupt is wired to irq_i(0) of lxp32u_top. Only local interrupts 0..6 are implemented and wired to irq_i(7:1)